This is my 18x36 "porntrait" of the 1972 Playboy centerfold, Lena Söderberg. This image became popular after it was used in a print lab to test a wide range of image processing algorithms. More about that here About the Lena image This collage, like my others are made from 100% adult magazine paper applied to a wood panel. Check out my other paintings on my website!
I love working on posters for this event! Emily, the owner of Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing is awesome and let's me run with my ideas! This year is a space theme so there will be many wandering around sampling beer and eating unique foods while wearing space costumes. Hope you can make it! Feb 8th @019 #twistedtasting2019 @twistedtasting
Now that weed is legal for recreation in CA, may as well bring my nun art back for 2018! #weed #pot #cannabis #maryjane #marijuana #flyingnun #sistermaryjane #janetallinger #graphicart #illustrator #california #sistermaryjane